Melissa and I were able to chat for a while on FaceBook today and the comments you see below are a transcript of our conversation.
As most of you already know, Melissa is in Morocco doing her Peace Corps duties and her online time is rather limited, so I felt very privileged to be able to chat with her for this extended time of about 46 minutes.
It was great!
... i didn't edit any of our text entries, but did separate some of them to make it a little easier to read.Kenhi Melissa!
how are you?
12:51pmKenhow have your new home arrangements been working out?
12:52pmMelissawell. they just finished everything today
12:52pmKenwe are all doing good here
12:52pmMelissai spent the day moving everything back in.
i think i will get electricity in a few days
12:52pmKendo you have a special time for getting online each week, or is it random?
12:53pmMelissapretty random
whenever i can catch a ride with someone down a three hour mountain ride
on average once a week
12:54pmKensound fun... lol
12:55pmKenwe would love it if you posted up some detail about your work and any adventures there... lots of the family are following you with great interest.
12:55pmMelissadefinitely a different kind of lifestyle from my previous encounter
oh that's fun!
yeah-i think when i have electricity writing stuff will be easier
12:56pmKenhow long before you get the electric?
12:56pmMelissawhen i only have an hour or two once a week to use a computer--i tend to just get work and facebook stuff done
in morocco--you can never be sure. i've been told this week. but i was also told i would have it three months ago
as they say here "ins allah" - if god wills it
what is everyone up to on your end?
12:57pmKensame old stuff ... lol nothing really new that i know of
12:58pmMelissagrandma mentioned she is sick?
1:00pmKenhere's one thought... do you have a laptop available? you could write up some stuff and then whenever you get a chance send it to me in an email and i'll post it to all the sites... MS, FB & the FamilyForum
i do have a laptop
1:01pmKenmom is doing good... the 'council of aging' folks are sending her someone to help with her care 7 days a week... it's making a big diff
1:03pmMelissaoh good!
is she on a lot of medication?
1:05pmKenyepp... she has several issues going on, plus she has a pace-maker so there is lots of medicine
don't know if you saw this or not, I posted an email that you sent to mom in july... didn't see that.
1:12pmKenyou're welcome to join the family site and post up lots of pictures and messages if you like... as you can see i gather up some of your stuff from emails and facebook to post there.
1:12pmMelissathank you
it's a neat website
1:14pmKenwe've been adding stuff to it for years, there are lots of pages about current events, like birthdays etc, plus some family history and other family news
Kenif it's ok with you i'm gonna post our chat to the FamilyForum.
Melissayeah. go ahead.
1:18pmKenok... but i gotta wait until you get tired of talking to me! roflol
1:20pmKenOK then...
1:21pmKenbtw, i know your time is limited, so any time you need to drop me so that you can talk to someone else it's OK, i won't be offended
1:21pmMelissaHow is Aunt Kay?
1:22pmKenKay is doing good, she is still working 5 days a week... they have her on m-f now and that's good, every weekend off... she likes that
1:23pmMelissai bet so! have you guys been down to see mom and dad lately?
1:24pmKennope, i talked to your dad a few weeks ago on the phone... we are planing on going down to spartenburg within 3-4 weeks and will try to get with them when we do
1:26pmMelissaThey work all the time
They'll enjoy having some company, I bet
1:27pmKenyeah they do, especially your dad!
Melissaalright, well, sorry to say i must run
I'm glad we got to chat briefly
1:35pmKenhere's the link for the post of our chat Melissa, it's just a rough draft for now, i'll do some editing, it was great talking to you
love you!
1:36pmMelissalove you too! take care! until next time. Give Kay my best!