So I have been thinking a lot about my life-- and things are goin really really well' I'm outta my :bratty: stage and am just taking life as it comes. I did really well in school ending with an A in English 101 part one then and A in theatre which is English 124 and a B in Western Civilization- Let me tell you such a boring class- I got a D+ in math although that is passing its not my best but it was very hard for me and I did the best I could and now I never have to take math again unless its in like graduate studies. YAY! :yahoo:
I am currently going to college hopefully if I can get the loan... at Occ for 3 semesters then i decided IM MOVING down south. Andrew is going to move there too to go to a techinical school--but he really wants to be a cop. I want to work in human services and help anyone I can. :bigtmb: But I miss my family - all you guys. My dad and I dont talk because he always complains and yells so I kinda dont have that side of the family to look to I only have you guys so I want to be closer to you all' and I feel like thats where my life is taking me.
Ok Im done with my random thoughts thanks for letting me vent!
P.s Chris I miss ya man call me