December 22, 2024, 04:46:23 PM




2024-12-09, 18:46:19
Thanks! And to you both as well. :)


2024-12-09, 17:11:29
Thanks Robert, and Merry Christmas to you and Charlie as well!  :heart:


2024-12-08, 19:40:05
Wishing everyone a great Christmas. From Lee (Robert) and Charlie (Pricilla). Have a good '25, too.


2024-12-02, 18:34:53
Merry Christmas!  :D


2024-12-02, 17:46:57
Merry Christmas to all of my Family and Friends! 


2024-12-02, 17:45:16
Just posted up our favorite Holiday theme!


2024-08-09, 18:19:29
Awww! Poor thing! LOL


2024-08-09, 09:20:52


2024-07-06, 10:33:18


2024-07-06, 06:40:47
Happy Saturday after the 4th of July!

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Author Topic: Any Musicians Aboard?  (Read 8740 times)

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Offline Orakk (OP)

Re: Any Musicians Aboard?
« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2009, 11:43:54 PM »
Sticking my clever hand into an industrial bench saw ended my music en-devours abruptly for a time but has recovered enough now to be useful. Interesting thing about music is in how the brain keeps on learning even when you've not practised for a while.

What a bloomin thing to happen Orakk, musta been a nightmare.
Nightmare is a good word 'cause it does end.  riteon

Wasn't paying attention for just a moment and thud. In that moment I knew music was over as one hand was instinctively chasing down the damaged other. Injury side I got lucky, a micro surgeon was in Adelaide at the time and was in need of a difficult case to show new techniques.  I had no bone above last joint on two fingers which looked like ET split down the middle. Is amazing how the body knows to grow those bones back in the shape of a pawn chess piece with nothing but a bit of wire to grow round.

Might sound strange but I am a better musician/person for having the time out and at this point am thankful for the experience. Mostly I'm thankful I can now play again and at an age where being content and learning to have fun is the obsession.  :cheers:

Yeah, sorry about that.

But there is a lot of software available for musicians via midi for instruments, synth software (which I like now), or notation for writers. There's a lot of good free ones for linux. Most good Windows software is paid.
Sorry not required but thanks for the kind thought.

Sound cards have come a long way to have they not. With 192k being the current on-board sound standard home studio is very much doable using just a desktop.  :danban:

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Re: Any Musicians Aboard?
« Reply #31 on: December 23, 2009, 06:44:47 AM »
That's what I'm talking about. Using a midi sound card to connect your ax to the PC to record and create the notation. ;)