We seem that have a little controversy with the Daily Dilbert Cartoon! :yikes:
On the
Dilbert Website they offer up the daily cartoon in several different ways that don't require you to be registered, or to pay for the cartoon. The one we use is the RSS feed that automatically pulls the current daily strip into the FamilyForum and displays it at the bottom of the Forum page. However, one of the TinyPortal members was reading the licensing requirements and it sounds like we may be supposed to pay for the feed... if so then we'll need to remove the strip from our site.
The topic where we talk about the issue is
So... I'm doing a bit of poking around trying to find out the answer to this question.
Here's where my research stands at the moment:
On the 800 number listed on the Dilbert site I reached Gary, he's a service rep for Resolution Inc., which is "an independent e-commerce company with an exclusive license to sell items on the official online Dilbert store."
After talking to him for a few minutes it became clear that this question was all news to him and he left the line to talk to his boss, who was in the dark as well. Turns out a different department handles the website, so they (Resolution, Inc.) had no idea that the daily cartoon was freely available in several different ways including RSS... and so they had no answer as to the correct status of our block code feeds.
At this point they are going to start an internal dialog to see what to do about the situation and will let me know something within a couple of weeks.