Finally did the edits to show the actual location of a member who is surfing the FamilyForum site, instead of showing them as an "Unknown Action"
This Topic over on SMF we are told to edit as follows:
Question: How to show the action and subaction on the Who is Online screen if the action is unkown.
Some user admin like to know what some guest use as unknown action . With this small change you can see this.
Search in the $sourcedir/Who.php for
$data[$k] = $txt['who_unknown'];
and replace it with
$data[$k] = $txt['who_unknown'].
($user_info['is_admin'] ? (
(isset($actions['action']) ? ' <span class="smalltext">('.$txt['who_action'].': '.$actions['action'].
(isset($actions['sa']) ? ' -> '.$actions['sa'] : '').')</span>' : '')) : '');
Than after the "unknown action" stand for admins (Action: ACTION -> SUBACTION (if exist)).
So... those edits are now in place and if you click on the the line under 'Users Online', where it sez "4 Guests, 2 Users (0 Buddies, 2 Spiders), or something simular it will take you to a page where you can see where everyone is on the forum. :disted:
As you can see it now adds a note to the Unknown Action that tells where the member actually is in within the forum.