NOTE: ... as long as this RED text is displayed it means that I'm still working on this page and there will be more content to come! 3/30/19, 5:00 PM; updated this OP to sync it with the
Index Article of this story(s).
My Story Remembered... Ken Kimbrell
Your comments are welcome and you can do that at the bottom of this page and any other page in this series.
During a chat with
My Children the subject of putting some of my life's remembrances into written form came up. This outline will serve as a starting point to see if I am able to work up too some actual writing. Perhaps this will also be a benefit to the memory issues that I've experienced in recent times.
You can find additional commentary in this
Topic. March 24, 2019:This index style page will be, for the most part, a simple outline for the possible chapter titles and some amount of subtext for what a chapters content might be. A 'Comments' section is located at the bottom of each page and they are open so that Family and Friends can join in with the stories that many of you will find familiar and may find yourselves included in. And, if you think of any stories that you would like to see included please post a comment and I'll try to put it in a chapter. You can also send me a PM or a text if you would rather use some other way to let me about your thoughts.
this will not be some ˜tell all" that tries to dig up lots of family skeleton's and dirty laundry, rather it will include tales of some of the interesting and fun episodes of our Families life and times. Chapters:... when chapter content gets added the chapter's title will become an active link and can take you to that page. June 24, 1940 The early years... page 1 WWII, Joe Hamrick, Cotton Farmers, Phil, Peaches, Pool Shooting & Beer Drinking, Pulp Wood, Being Poor
The early years... page 2 Bring Me Back The Change, Pool Shooting & Beer Drinking!, Pulp Wood
The US Navy Boot Camp, Cook Striker, A School, California, 30lbs-in-30 Days, The Orient, Marriage, First Born Son
The Adventures of the early 60s Motorcycles, Cars, Rockets, Nukes, Need For Speed and the CA State Prison!
And The 70's Welding and Business and Shipyards plus The Pharaohs Four MC
Grand Jury Duty The tale of my brief stint as the grand jury foreman of the Desoto County, FL and the case that we sat on.
The Story
Bits & Pieces from over the Decades Lots of little snippets from all over the place, like; Bad Dreams and Nightmares,