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Our FamilyForum Pictures Gallery
A series of short articles on how to use the FamilyForum Pictures Gallery
HTML clipboard
Setup your own album
 Also see:
How to use the gallery
 Get your pictures ready to publish
A Detailed Look at Gallery Features

This how-to will give you the details on how to setup and use your personal album in the FamilyForum Gallery.

Its really very easy to get started posting your pictures to your gallery and setting it up is easy as well...

  • First; you can find links to the gallery on all of the forum pages so use one of them to go to the gallery.
  • Once in the gallery look to the upper right for the [MyGallery] link.
  • On this page click on the link for "Add Category"

  • This next window is where you pick a name for your album and other details like how you want to describe the album.
    We've named this one Minnie's Album.
    Don't worry about the "Gallery Icon URL" and the "Upload Gallery Icon" for now... we will talk about those later.
    Also don't worry about the "Parent Category" setting for now because it will just say None but it can be changed later if needed.

  • Once you have the details entered in this screen just click on the Add Category button and you are finished!!!
    After you click on the Add Category button you will go to your new album, but there will be no pictures of course so lets add one or two to see how that part works.

  • Under the Gallery Name heading you can see your album listed (Minnie's Album for this example)
    To add some pictures lets go ahead and click on the album name.

  • When you click on your album name it will take you to this next screen where you can upload your pictures.
    The "Add a picture" link is for only one picture at a time but the "Bulk Add Pictures" link will let us upload up to 10 pictures at a time and that's the one we'll use this time.


  • Now just browse to your picture folder on your PC and upload your pictures!
    Be sure to include lots of detail about each picture, like who's in it and where it was taken plus any other detail you think might be interesting.
    You can see Minnie's finished album HERE.

  • If you have any questions or issues be sure to shoot me a note and I'll help you sort it out.

    Enjoy... GPa Ken